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I think this is the most difficult part of the costume to get just right, even if you spend a ton of cash (e.g. at Magnoli) it still isn't perfect.
To get the extremely distressed look of the coat, it has to be made of the right sort of leather so when you scuff off the top of the leather you get that tan/brown underneath.

The coat I got delivered from eBay for less than a tenner is completely the wrong sort of leather (I think it's actually one of those 1/2 plastic leathers), so distressing this is going to take some imagination...
I've tried sanding/scraping/shaving off the top layer - this leaves a very light underneath :(

...currently experimenting with making up some paint with PVA and dried clay (dug up from the garden!) which is getting me a rough finish of nearly the right colour.

Home Coat Scarf Shirt Waistcoat Chain / Keys Bandolier Belt Trousers Boots Sonic Buttons Spats / Gaiters