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A brown double-breasted velvet waistcoat with lapels... I think there has only ever been one of these of the face of the earth - and John Hurt was wearing it.

I happen to wear waistcoats all the time and have a couple of shabby old brown suede leather ones, only single-breasted but I might hack 'em about a bit and see what I can come up with.

Meanwhile... found a possible-better-starting-point on eBay, it's a ladies waistcoat with lapels the wrong shape - but it says it's brown and velour or something. Anyhow I bought it for £6 and I'll see what it looks like when it turns up!

it's here...

Looks pretty good - actual colour is a bit more reddy-brown than the picture shows.
The right image shows it after reversing the front, changing the buttons and pinning back the lapels (I'll sew 'em up later)

I originally thought the buttons were domed brass (which I got off eBay, see the buttons page), but the right-hand image in the above strip shows they are not - and they have a pattern.

Also see: Chain and keys
Home Coat Scarf Shirt Waistcoat Chain / Keys Bandolier Belt Trousers Boots Sonic Buttons Spats / Gaiters