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War Doctor Costume

Here's a load of stuff about me making up a War Doctor (John Hurt) costume...

There's hi-res versions of source photos on this separate page

Most other pics you can click to 'zoom in'.

Mk II. 13th Feb 2015 TonyWilk "mail at tonywilk dot co dot uk"

Yep, that's me

What I do, I do without choice

As if I haven't anything better to do, I'm trying to replicate John Hurt's War Doctor costume - bit of a first for me actually. Got interested because I like making and fixing things and somehow I'm hooked.

The difference here is that I don't really have a choice of the end result; that's already defined by the character whereas I usually make up stuff as I go along. Of course I have lots of choice in how I actually go about it and what details I try to replicate and those I simply ignore.

12th Doctor's Second Sonic

Go here for my build of the 12th Doctor's sonic
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